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So I am currently trying to set up a small web app using Flask . In order to connect to the MySQL database with some of the data that I want to administer  Flask-SQLAlchemy seemed to be a natural choice as I already had the SQLAlchemy ORM set up for some scripts and only needed to change a few imports. If I understood correctly, the flask extension provides a few wrappers for querying the database that are supposed to be easier than using the session. Now here's what I observed: Depending on what filter-function you are using it is or is not possible to combine multiple filters using logical operators such as or_, and_ etc. If I only wanted to query a single column in one of my tables called gene1 in may GeneToGene object, the following code does that beautifully: results = GToG.query.filter_by(gene1 = genesymbol).all()                          However, when trying to add a second column gene2 to the same filter (with a logical OR) I only get an error message from flas

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